- Bioinformatics, biorepositories
- Confidentiality of medical data
- Cloud Computing and health data
- Decision support systems and prognostic scoring systems
- Disability and health informatics
- Data Protection
- Data security and integrity
- Electronic health records
- Electronic prescribing
- Ethical issues in health IT (including ethics by design)
- Governance of health IT
- Government regulation of health informatics tools
- Health data (big data, integrity, reliability, accuracy, secondary use)
- Health disparities; “digital divides”
- Informed consent
- Interoperability (technical, semantic, organisational, legal)
- International issues, including harmonisation and best practices
- Internet and healthcare
- Legal aspects of health IT
- Liability in healthcare and health IT
- Machine-based data collection
- Mobile health (inc. mobile apps)
- Regulation of medical devices
- Patients’ rights
- Personal health records
- Public health informatics and policy
- Privacy (including privacy by design)
- Remote presence healthcare and medical homes
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
- Robots and digital/virtual companions
- Social engineering in the digital health field
- Social networking and health
- Software engineering in digital health